Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lakey Peak "Amangati Hotel" is the New Online Website Direct from the owners of Amangati Hotel at Lakey Peak Sumbawa. One of the Worlds Premier Surf and kite Surfing Locations.!
The Hotel Consists of 56 Air Conditioned and 3 Surf Houses.! Restaurant /Bar and Pool etc.!
Originally started from just 4 Rooms way back in 1994 by Australian Surfers Brad Matthews and Mark Clift and Brett Cook and a few mates and run for a couple of years as lakeypeak surf camp. The Amangati Hotel was opened in 1996 by Balinese Legend Gede Sudantha. He also opened with just 4 rooms and arnd the late 1990's a partnership was formed between the 2 small hotels.
Amangati Hotel is simply the Best Hotel at Lakey Peak and now one of the Top Surf Resorts in the World. Come and check out our website at and book and pay online. I started this Blog with intention to supply a monthly Lakey Peak Newsletter and let people know that Lakey is Great Surf and Kite-Surfing all year around. I'll be back with the First edition of Lakey Peak News Soon!